About Us
Trinity Episcopal Church in Lincoln, Illinois is a parish in the diocese of Springfield, part of the Episcopal Church and the larger the worldwide Anglican Communion. We are a small congregation that worships in what some would call a traditional style so we offer an intimate worship experience that incorporates both Scripture and Sacraments in a liturgy that has fed Christians for centuries. We use the Book of Common Prayer as our guide to worship. It has been updated through the years to use modern language, yet stays true to the precepts of the earliest Church.
We have been part of the life of Lincoln since the 1800s; in fact, our church building is over 100 years old. Many of our members are well known in Lincoln as people who give of themselves to make Lincoln and Logan County a special place to live and work.
The Rev Dr Christopher Ben Simpson has served as our rector at Trinity since 2020. Before coming to serve at Trinity, he was Professor of Philosophical Theology at Lincoln Christian University for fifteen years. He is married to Kaysha, and they have two children, David and Lydia.